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The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

Volume 70, Issues 1-3,
Pages 1-113 (8 July 1999)

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Down-regulation of the rat hepatic sterol 27-hydroxylase; gene by bile acids in transfected primary hepatocytes: possible role of hepatic nuclear factor 1, Pages 1-14
Yi-Ping Rao, Z. Reno Vlahcevic, R. Todd Stravitz, Darrell H. Mallonee, Jayati Mullick, Narayan G. Avadhani and Phillip B. Hylemon
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Conditional modulation of glucocorticoid receptor activities by CREB-binding protein (CBP) and p300, Pages 15-25
Tomoshige Kino, Steven K. Nordeen and George P. Chrousos
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Ligand structure influences autologous downregulation of estrogen receptor¯alpha messenger RNA, Pages 27-37
M. D. Davis, J. A. VanderKuur and S. C. Brooks
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (223 K)

Control of sulfatase and sulfotransferase activities by medrogestone in the hormone-dependent MCF-7 and T-47D human breast cancer cell lines, Pages 39-45
Gérard S. Chetrite, Christa Ebert, Françoise Wright, A. -C. Philippe and Jorge R. Pasqualini
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Changes of hypothalamic and plasma vasopressin in rats with deoxycorticosterone-acetate induced salt appetite, Pages 47-57
Flavia E. Saravia, Claudia A. Grillo, Mónica Ferrini, Paulina Roig, Analia E. Lima, E. Ronald de Kloet and Alejandro F. De Nicola
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MR 20492 and MR 20494: two indolizinone derivatives that strongly inhibit human aromatase, Pages 59-71
P. Auvray, P. Sourdaine, S. Moslemi, G. -E. Séralini, P. Sonnet, C. Enguehard, J. Guillon, P. Dallemagne, R. Bureau and S. Rault
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Estradiol induction of cAMP in breast cancer cells is mediated by foetal calf serum (FCS) and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), Pages 73-80
Nicoletta Fortunati, Federica Fissore, Annamaria Fazzari, Federica Piovano, Maria Graziella Catalano, Marzia Becchis, Laura Berta and Roberto Frairia
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Prenatal melatonin exposure influences the maturation of gonadotropin and prolactin estradiol-benzoate feedback system, Pages 81-88
Elena Díaz, Patricia O. Castrillón, Ana I. Esquifino, Bernardo Marín and Beatriz Díaz
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Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, as a model for aromatase inhibition, Pages 89-95
A. D. Shilling, D. B. Carlson and D. E. Williams
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The length of the polyoxyethylene chain in the Triton X detergents modulates the apparent activation of neurosteroid sulfatase in bovine brain, Pages 97-100
In-Ho Park, Beom-Ku Han, Sung-Jun Cho and Do-Hyun Jo
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Differential glucuronidation of bile acids, androgens and estrogens by human UGT1A3 and 2B7, Pages 101-108
Walter E. Gall, Gregory Zawada, Behnaz Mojarrabi, Thomas R. Tephly, Mitchell D. Green, Birgit L. Coffman, Peter I. Mackenzie and Anna Radominska-Pandya
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Progesterone metabolism in human saliva in vitro, Pages 109-113
Merja A. Laine and Anita O. Ojanotko
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